Today, Malaysia Today is running a spot the spin contest. See if you can spot the spin from what I actually said in my interview in Australia with regards to the Statutory Declaration that I signed in 2008 and what I told the police during my interrogation. Hint: look for the key words.
THE CORRIDORS OF POWER | Raja Petra Kamarudin
First the spin by Umno website Malaysia Instinct:
RPK...and the lying continues....
By: Fareed Dawood
We’ve heard how heroes went to jail or even died for what they believe in.
Mahatma Ghandi, Nelson Mandela, Suu Kyi to name a few heroes who stand faithfully firm and unmoved despite the consequences. For true heroes, die they would, if their death could mark a statement of their fight. Run, is certainly not an option.
Never before a hero flee when called to face the music. In fact, even an ordinary man without heroic attributes wouldn’t run away when given a chance to prove his words in the court of law should he believes that he is right.
Claiming that the court will not be fair or that you will be put under ISA should you not flee, are mere excuses used by cowards and the guilty ones.
MT : Thursday, 14 April 2011 | read full post